Chronicles of Merlin Wiki


This page is dedicated to Alliances on the iOS S12 Server. If you are looking for an Alliance please feel free to check out the following entries.


Each Alliance may post one ad, there will be no flaming or long discussions. Please go to the forum if you would like to discuss Alliances in more depth. In addition posters are strongly urged to contribute to this wiki, please help the game grow along with you Alliance.


Please add your alliance name on iOS S12 in alphabetical order. A more complete list of alliances can be found on the Alliance & Chamber section of the Forums.

Caesar: "War on sea" Alliance founded and commanded by TomLIO the Deputy Commander BlackHat is often found on chat and wll accept every appication and if you ever need help with the legions just ask for BlackHat or RingWraith and they will come.

Outlaws heaven, Commander Deathlord. Looking for members to build the ranks.


DIABLOs LAIR: founded by Diablo. Always looking for new, active members to join who can donate to the alliance and participate in alliance events.

King Arthur:
