Chronicles of Merlin Wiki

Caeser's Heroes

Name Prestige Requied Ability Type
Marcus Agrippa 2,000 Gambit
Gnaeus Agricola 9,000 Gambit
Gaius Marius 20,000 Gambit
Octavian 43,000 Support Spell
Mark Antony 70,000 Gambit
Nero 100,000 Gambit
Vespasian 150,000 Gambit
Marcus Crassus 210,000 Gambit
Titus 280,000 Gambit w/ Spell
Pompey the Great 370,000 Normal
Cleopatra 450,000 Support Spell
Julius Caesar 500,000 Gambit w/ Support

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  • Please arrange pictures in order from least prestige required to most prestige required.

Cities and Regions

Starting from level 30 to level 100, Caesar's default cities are:

Name Level Limit Type Reserve loss Required Enemy Defeated
Bari 30 Normal 20% Baldwin IV
Sarajevo 40 Normal 20% Alfred the Great
Florence 60 Political 30% Attila the Hun
Milan 60 Normal 50% Attila the Hun
Leipzig 80 Political 70% Genghis Khan
Bremen 80 Normal 80% Genghis Khan
Bonn 100 Military 100% Hector
Freiburg 100 Commercial 100% Hector
Munich 100 Cultural 100% Hector
Turin 100 Economic 100% Hector
Rome 100 Political 100% Hector